What is PROJECTaroid?

What is PROJECTaroid?
PROJECTaroid started off as a photography project that used Polaroid film.  The name coming from the word 'project' and the 'aroid' from the ending of the Polaroid name. After the project finished up I continued to use the PROJECTaroid name on various sites and social media accounts for other photography and video project. About three years ago I began learning how to use Blender and during that time started a character that I planned to animate for a short story that I had started.

3D wire-frame body. 

3D model with colour. 

3D model with additional equipment. 

The animation process wasn't something I really wanted to do (even though I enjoy 3D modelling) and other projects came along. Shortly after working with Blender I began working with a friend to develop an application.  It is hard to develop an application with a friend when you aren't paying them, so that didn't workout. We talked about working on games but I didn't want to invest the time if I didn't have any assurance that the project would get completed.

After sometime of thinking and dreaming I realized that if I just started to learn how to code (likely in C#) with my basic knowledge on 3D modelling I should be able to make my own game. Around August 9, 2017 I decided I'm just going to make a game and publish it.

PROJECTaroid is now going to be an outlet to share my journey from someone that just sat around thinking about how cool it would be to make a game to actually developing a video game.

So why video games and why share it?
Most of the creative projects (applications development, music, videos) I have undertaken in the past have been dependent on other people and I've come to realize that its difficult to depend on others. So I need to do something that I alone can finish, it has to tell the story I want to share, and in a media that I want to work in. A video game meets all the requirements.  I get to work with 3D models, animating, coding, photography, video, music, and story telling. The main thing is that I can do all alone.

I want to share this process because I see other people make some great games but I don't know the joy and pain that the creator(s) went through. I am two months into the project and I have had lots of highs and lows and I think that it is valuable for other creators to know what the creative process is like.

What will this 'blog' cover?
I'm doing this on the cheap so it will focus on a lot of free and cheap software and resources. I'm going to use Unity, Blender, Gimp, and Reaper to make all of the assets to finish the project. I will talk about every step of the process, share insights, struggles, and resources that I find helpful (tutorials, stories, etc.).  I have been keeping a developer's log whenever I work on the project, so over the next few weeks I'll be going through my logs and posting them here so others can see my process and see the progress of the game.


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